Case Study - Building a Global Online Shopping Experience

Lavina is an online shop built on Shopify, offering a seamless global shopping experience with multilingual support and brand-new design elements.

E-commerce Development


Lavina, an ambitious e-commerce store, approached us with a vision to create a fully functional global online shop on Shopify. They needed a strong foundation for scalability, multilingual support, and a fresh look to match their evolving brand identity.

We collaborated with a professional design agency to completely revamp Lavina’s branding and ensure a cohesive visual experience across all platforms. In addition, we implemented Arabic translations and right-to-left compatibility to cater to their growing audience in the Middle East.

Beyond the front-end, we integrated global payment systems and delivery options, ensuring that Lavina’s products could be purchased and shipped seamlessly worldwide.

What We Did

  • Shopify Development
  • Arabic Translation & RTL
  • Payment System Integration
  • Global Delivery Setup
Brand Revamp
2 Languages
Payment & Delivery


The project resulted in a fully operational online store that provides users with a seamless shopping experience, no matter where they are. The addition of Arabic language support and global payment and delivery options has allowed Lavina to expand its customer base and operate effectively on an international scale.

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