Our work - Proven solutions for real-world problems.

We believe in efficiency and maximizing our resources to provide the best value to our clients. The primary way we do that is by re-using the same five projects we've been developing for the past decade.

Case studies


E-commerce Development

Building a Global Online Shopping Experience

Lavina is an e-commerce platform we built from the ground up using Shopify. We coordinated with a professional design agency to revamp their brand, implemented Arabic translations and right-to-left page compatibility, and set up global payment and delivery systems.


Feature Enhancements & Integrations

Enhancing the AI Experience for Online Shops

While this was not a full project created from scratch by us, we worked closely with the Zipchat team to improve existing features and add new capabilities. Our efforts focused on refining the chatbot’s performance and expanding its integration with various tools like Shopify, Hubspot, and Customer.io.


Web App Development

Empowering Hosts with Digital Guest Guides

Placely is a web app we built from scratch that allows short-term rental hosts to create custom digital guides for their guests. It includes automated translation into 5 languages and leverages Google Maps, Places, and Photos APIs to provide seamless local recommendations. The platform now hosts over 200 listings and has garnered more than 100k views.

Working with CAD was a seamless experience. Their expertise and efficiency delivered exactly what we needed, faster than we expected.


You're in good company

  • Zipchat
  • Lavina
  • Placely
  • Sudocs
  • Mozubi
  • A-Menu
  • Ames
  • COMP2

Let's build something great together